Contact us for any inquire/press request,
or just to say “hello”

studio lido design contact

Studio Lido
Viale Romagna 50,
20133 Milano

Studio Lido laboratore innocenti design office 


Always researching new products and materials to deal with, we get inspired from evocative features, looking also at the making process. We design products and interiors framing a specific surround with a true love for decoration and narrative. We constantly aim for an original point of view in order to make desirable and meaningful projects.


We research and select market trends, writing product briefings and teaming up with designers in order to develop future products. We act as a connection between marketing, sales, engineering, and purchasing departments. We constantly refresh company catalogue in order to maintain colours and materials up to date and to spot new sales opportunity.


We bring technological know-how to our clients, developing feasible projects in terms of costs and innovation, constantly dealing also with suppliers needs. We research new production technologies both craft and industrial supporting our clients trough early steps of prototyping until first serie production.


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